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Berlin, full time, permanent
What we offer:
Your responsibilities:
Fund Administration & Investor Reporting:
Financial Planning & Statements:
Audit & Compliance:
Ad hoc Financial Analysis & Support:
Cross-Department Collaboration:
We're seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Controller to join our Operations team at BurdaPrincipal Investments. In this role, you'll work closely with senior team members to oversee planning, reporting, and seamless administration across the firm and our investment funds—playing a key role in supporting our dynamic and growing venture capital platform.
Want more Burda insights? Visit Hubert Burda Media
We respect diversity and we therefore welcome all applications - independently of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion and ideology, disability, age as well as sexual orientation and identity.
Please use our online application form to apply!
Positions advertised on our website are current and vacant!
Kontakt Jana Schönwald, Recruiting Consultant,
BurdaPrincipal Investments supports fast-growing digital technology- and media companies with long-term venture capital and market intelligence. Our portfolio encompasses successful consumer Internet companies from Europe, the US and Asia like Etsy, Baublebar, Vinted or Blitsy. The unit is managed by a team of investment specialists in Munich, London and Singapore.
Fragen? Das Recruiting Team von Hubert Burda Media hilft dir gerne weiter. Kontaktiere uns per E-Mail.
karriere@burda.comJetzt für die Burda-Community anmelden und immer als erstes informiert sein über unsere neusten Jobs, Events und relevante News.
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