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In Zusammenarbeit mit der Dualen Hochschule Karlsruhe bieten wir ab dem 1. Oktober 2025 ein Duales Studium im Fach Informatik am Standort Offenburg an.
In den Praxisphasen kannst du die theoretisch erlernten Studieninhalte praktisch umsetzen:
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At our locations in Munich, Offenburg and Berlin, we work with almost 60 engineers, project leads and agile coaches with a focus on data science, data engineering and software development in the tech and media sector.
Since our foundation in 2008, our goal as an IT service provider has always been to make customers successful. To this end, we work on innovative, reliable and powerful solutions with enthusiasm and in a fun environment.
Readiness to help others and cooperation are written in capital letters, according to the motto: "To be allowed to be yourself in a team and to achieve everything you are capable of."
Links: Website, IT newsroom blog