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Wir wertschätzen Vielfalt und begrüßen daher alle Bewerbungen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion und Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität. Join us!
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Contact Ranya Fattohi, Recruiterin,
Bunte was the first German celebrity magazine, and is still the most successful. When it comes to celebrities, Bunte is an institution. Exclusive home stories, personal interviews and up-close event reports provide Bunte readers with the latest, emotional stories from the lives of celebrities.
Bunte was launched in 1954 and has since become a seismograph for German society. It indicates who is and will become important within Germany. Bunte’s special instinct for the stars of tomorrow is particularly reflected in the Bunte New Faces Award, which has been presented to up-and-coming artists in the film and fashion industries since 1998.