Executive Board Member

Dr. Marc Al-Hames

Marc Al-Hames appointment to the Board of Hubert Burda Media takes effect from 01.01.2023. His areas of responsibility include BurdaCommerce (e.g. Cyberport and Computeruniverse), HolidayCheckBurdaNext, which manages majority shareholdings in digital platform companies (e.g. Nebenan.de and Cliqz), and the service provider Burda Digital Systems.

Al-Hames joined Burda in 2011, as Head of Corporate Development and Member of the Management Board at Tomorrow Focus AG, now HolidayCheck Group AG. From 2013, he was managing director of Cliqz GmbH, a majority-owned subsidiary of Hubert Burda Media, for seven years. From 2020 to 2024, he was CEO of the Group subsidiary HolidayCheck Group AG. Before joining Burda, he was project manager at McKinsey & Company.
