By film fans for film fans

Although Cinema has been around since 1975, making it Germany’s oldest film magazine, it has a very young and male target audience. Every month, Cinema presents detailed discussions of the most important films and series available in German cinemas, on streaming portals (VoD) and on DVD and Blu-Ray. Thanks to correspondents with many years of Hollywood experience, Cinema has excellent contacts with the major studios, key movers and shakers and all international stars. This gives Cinema access to behind-the-scenes material before anyone else and allows it to conduct exclusive interviews. 

Cinema is part of the Golden Globe Award jury and presents the annual Jupiter Award. Germany’s biggest audience film prize honours not just notable Hollywood stars, but also the leading lights of the German and European film scene.

In addition to the monthly magazine, a website, videos and podcasts, TV series guides, calendars, events and organized group trips for readers complete the brand portfolio.
