Freizeit Post

Freizeit Post is a novel combination of puzzle magazine and entertaining women's magazine. More than half of the high-quality magazine consists of challenging puzzles. With that amount of puzzle content, Freizeit Post is the leader in the leisure magazine segment.


Kai Winckler has been working as editor-in-chief of various entertainment publications since 1993. He was editor-in-chief of “Das neue Blatt” from 2002–2007, “Neue Post” from 2008–2010, and “Neue Welt” and “Frau Aktuell” from 2012–2016. In July 2016, he moved to BurdaLife to become editor-in-chief of Freizeit Revue, Freizeit Spass and Freizeit Exklusiv.

Division BurdaVerlag
Managing Director Elisabeth Varn
General Manager Sven Dams
Editor-in-chief Kai Winckler
Frequency 8 x p.a.
Price €0.99
Media Data bcn.burda
