Super Illu

A special issue on the Merkel era


Super Illu will hit Geman newsstands on 2 September 2021 with a special issue on the Angela Merkel era. The Super Illu biography of the East German who became the most powerful woman in the world is about her 16 years of being German Chancellor. In view of current events in Afghanistan, the issue has also been expanded to include an eight-page, overlapping supplement. The Merkel special issue thus has a total of 124 pages and will hit the newsstands in a print run of approx. 70,000 copies, at a copy price of 5 euros.

"The dramatic events in Afghanistan happened while the Merkel issue was already at the printers. To reflect the current events, we immediately produced an additional 8-page special supplement on the situation in Afghanistan - and Merkel's role in it. It will be enclosed with the copies already printed and will make the biography of Merkel's political work, her successes and failures, complete."

Stefan Kobus, Editor-in-Chief Super Illu

As the most widely read newsstand magazine in the eastern German states ( 1.46 million readers MA II/2021, an average of 189,681 copies sold per week IVW II/2021), Super Illu is an important medium for federal politics.

In the past years, Angela Merkel gave Super Illu several interviews that attracted a lot of attention. Several times, she was a guest and laudator at the Goldene Henne event, Germany's biggest audience award, and won the award herself in 2006. The Super Illu special issue on her biography traces her political career with all its ups and downs and also provides personal insights into her private world away from big politics.

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