During these Corona times, Burda’s office dogs are also mostly working from home. How do they like this change? Today, Danish–Swedish farmdog Danska from corporate HR tells us all about it.
During these Corona times, Burda’s office dogs are also mostly working from home. How do they like this change? Today, Danish–Swedish farmdog Danska from corporate HR tells us all about it.
We meet Bunte mascot Aylin. When she’s not busy snoozing in the Munich office, Aylin likes to sneak treats and cuddles from co-workers, and chase after birds in the park.
Dogs are good for working climate, keep us moving, promote communication and make us laugh. Today we are introducing the Dachshund/Spaniel power couple Emily & Enno from Munich.
Dogs are good for working climate, keep us moving, promote communication and make us laugh. Today we are introducing Burda dog Charlie from Offenburg.
Dogs are good for working climate, keep us moving, promote communication and make us laugh. Today we are introducing Burda dog Cara from Offenburg.
Dogs are good for the working climate, keep us moving, promote communication and make us laugh. Today, we are introducing Burda dog Barth, a terrier working in editorial offices in Offenburg.