It’s been almost a year since Burda’s Cliqz search technology became part of the US company Brave Software. In an interview, Jean-Paul Schmetz, founder of Cliqz, explains more about the search technology.
It’s been almost a year since Burda’s Cliqz search technology became part of the US company Brave Software. In an interview, Jean-Paul Schmetz, founder of Cliqz, explains more about the search technology.
Hubert Burda Media has placed its search technology Cliqz (now Tailcat) and relevant development team in the U.S. company Brave Software.
We spoke with Jeremy Tillman, President of Ghostery, about how the cooperation with Cliqz has changed and what impact the Corona crisis has had on privacy on the Internet.
The Munich-based start-up Cliqz, a German provider of browser, privacy, and search technologies, will focus on two business areas from May 1st, 2020 onwards, closing the browser and search technologies areas.
In this interview series, we introduce employees from various areas of the company, so you can get to know us even better. Today: Jeremy Tillman, President Ghostery.
In our interview series of female trainees from the Burda Journalism School, this time round, Nina Weber meets Eleni Siakagianni, director of engineering at Cliqz, to discuss the importance of diversity, female bosses a…
Since GDPR came into effect, internet users have been tracked by fewer trackers, but big tracking providers such as Google now receive even more data, as a study on the EU’s tracking landscape by Cliqz and Ghostery show…
Cliqz has published the free software tool Re:consent, which discloses to users what data they share on the Internet based on their current data and privacy settings.
MyOffrz will enable consumers to be addressed individually with specific purchasing interests without sensitive data and individual profiles being stored about them.
Employees from over 34 countries, bright and passionate colleagues and a community of likeminded people who want to build a better internet: Watch the video and get a glimpse into the world of Cliqz.
Once a year, the mobile communications industry meets in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress. Stefan Winners held a keynote speech at the 4YFN start-up branch this year.
What makes Burda a good employer? In this video, Stefan Winners, Member of the Executive Board – Digital at Hubert Burda Media, discusses these questions.
Following in Burda’s long tradition of entrepreneurial spirit and technology, around 600 participants made their way to the second Startup Day’n’Nite in Munich.
Jean-Paul Schmetz, founder of Cliqz, which has developed the world’s first browser with an integrated search engine and anti-tracking technology, explains what safe surfing has to do with an expedition to the Himalayas.