In July the second round of the Burda Digital Degree was celebrated. CEO Katharina Herrmann and Marc Al-Hames presented the graduates with their well-deserved certificates and a toast was raised together.
Burda hosted an event on the topic of personal branding for the BayFiD initiative (Bavaria's women in digital jobs).
The talent programme of the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs aims to inspire more young women for digital professions in order to actively and increasingly take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization.
The event offered participants an inspriring program ranging from lectures and workshops to panel discussions and networking.
Tijen Onaran, entrepreneur, investor and diversity expert, took center stage at the event with the topic of personal branding. She shared valuable insights from her wealth of experience with the participants. Personal branding has nothing to do with volume, but with content. She recommends positioning yourself clearly with two focus topics. Communication and argumentation can be learned and practiced. However, it is always important to remain authentic and credible.
Together with Dr. Katharina Herrmann, member of the Burda Executive Board, she spoke about female leadership in a subsequent panel discussion. Her secret to good leadership? "Being close to people and close to the topics". It is essential to have a goal and common tasks and to make these clear to employees. In her view, however, there is no such thing as typical female leadership.
Judith Gerlach, Minister of State for Health, Care and Prevention, spoke about digital leadership from a female perspective and then handed over the reins to the new Minister of State for Digital Affairs, Dr. Fabian Mehring.
Not only on big stage, but also in smaller groups, the participants were given important building blocks for their own development:
We will keep you informed about current events in the event calendar and via our social media channels @burdakarriere.