DLD 2021

DLD launches "All Stars" and postpones January conference


After a successful DLD conference in January 2020, 23 virtual DLD Sync sessions and nine DLD Europe lunch breaks tackling topics such as impact investments, artificial intelligence and the future of work, DLD founder Steffi Czerny and her team are now setting the course for 2021. Under its annual motto "What the World Needs Now," Burda's renowned innovation conference is launching a new online format in February. It features well-known speakers who have already impressed with their inspiring talks at previous DLD conferences. The physical conference in Munich will be postponed to a later date in the first half of the year.

What the World Needs Now

Borrowed from the well-known song title, DLD explores which fundamental changes society needs at its current juncture.  

“2020 was a year like no other. Overnight, COVID-19 upended our personal lives and the ways we work," explained DLD founder Steffi Czerny. "Our motto takes us forward, not back; change always offers opportunities. So we ask the question: which new products and innovations do we need now? How can we sustainably leverage the changes in our world – for society and ourselves as individuals? I'm looking forward to an exciting DLD year 2021!"

Steffi Czerny, DLD founder

New visions, new format

Due to the current Corona situation, the physical DLD conference in Munich will be postponed to a later date in the first half of 2021. Instead, there will be a new, compact digital format from February 21-22 the DLD All Stars sessions. Prominent speakers from past DLD conferences will hold keynote speeches and host panels on topics such as sustainability, artificial intelligence, and quantum technologies.The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Genetic testing pioneer Anne Wojcicki ("23andMe"), Stefan Oschmann (CEO "Merck"), Jimmy Wales, internet entrepreneur and co-founder of "Wikipedia", the Danish star architect Bjarke Ingels, AI expert Kai-Fu Lee and Stefan Vilsmeier, founder and CEO of the medical software company "Brainlab", are among those to have confirmed their participation so far.

"We have deliberately decided against a multi-day digital conference with full-day sessions. We want to rather focus on inspiring our participants with new insights and food for thought towards the end of their day."

Steffi Czerny, DLD founder

For further information and registration options for the DLD All Stars sessions, visit the DLD website.


More images & downloads

 “With our new motto we want to look forward, not backwards,” says DLD founder Steffi Czerny (c) Daniel Grund for DLD

The new, compact digital format, DLD All Stars, will feature prominent speakers from past DLD conferences, such as Jimmy Wales, internet entrepreneur and co-founder of Wikipedia (c) Picture Alliance for DLD

More prominent speaker will be the President of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen (c) flohagena.com for DLD

Jim Breyer (Breyer Capital) (c) Picture Alliance, Andreas Gebert for DLD

Stefan Oschmann (Merck) (c) Daniel Grund for DLD

Stefan Vilsmeier, founder and CEO of the medical software company Brainlab (c) Dominik Gigler for DLD

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