DLD invites influential and prominent personalities to Davos for the crowning finale of DLD Munich 25.
While summer is officially over, DLD (Digital, Life, Design) is celebrating the comeback of its online format DLD Sync with new sessions starting from Monday, September 28.
Europe can do better!
Earlier this month, Burda’s innovation platform DLD hosted a one-week-programme called DLD Europe Lunch Breaks with nine speakers and nine different views on "What are you adding...to the future of Europe?”. Among the speakers were political leaders, online professionals and economic experts such as EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, Casper Klynge (Microsoft) and Elisabeth Löwenbourg-Brzezinski (Acton Capital). All sessions are still available online.
DLD Sync starts second round
After the DLD Europe Lunch Breaks, a new series of DLD Sync sessions will be kicked-off on Monday, September 28, at 5.30pm (CEST) by Rachel Botsman, author, lecturer at Oxford University, and previous speaker at the DLD Conference in January 2019. Rachel Botsman is a pioneer when it comes to trust in the digital age. She has already been recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Her first book, “What’s Mine is Yours”, predicted the rise of the ‘sharing economy’; “Who Can You Trust?” explores the profound ways trust is shifting in the world. She will also discuss this topic in her DLD Sync session: A loss of trust in institutions is affecting our beliefs, but why is this happening?
A free registration is available here.
More to come…
In the upcoming weeks, additional experts from different industries will also present their thoughts on this year's DLD motto "What are you adding?”, e.g.the renowned psychotherapist Esther Perel and Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman of the Global Steering Group.
DLD Sync are interactive digital round-tables, each focusing on speakers from the DLD community. Experts from various fields give their take on the most pressing issues of our time. The sessions are for free, max. 60 minutes long and are hosted by DLD Founder Steffi Czerny and DLD Chairman Yossi Vardi. Great opinion leaders from the DLD network have already attended these sessions, including marketing guru Scott Galloway, British entrepreneur Sir Martin Sorell and William Li, scientist and CEO of the Angiogenesis Foundation.
For more information please visit the DLD website and the DLD newsblog.