Tribute to Bambi Stiftung

Emergency aid for Ukraine


In the space of 10 days, 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens have fled to various neighbouring European states. More than 80,000 Ukrainians, mainly women and children, have now arrived in Germany. In light of the untold misery they have suffered, the trauma of war and the often precarious supply of food and accommodation for refugee families, the Tribute to Bambi Foundation will be providing emergency aid to young Ukrainians who have come to Germany. The Tribute to Bambi Foundation is also launching a donation campaign to collect money for Ukrainian aid projects. 

Applying for funding

Charitable organisations are invited to apply for special funding from the Tribute to Bambi Foundation earmarked for projects aimed at providing immediate aid and support for children and young people who have come to Germany from Ukraine. Funding applications can be submitted to the Foundation until 31 March 2022 and must fit one of the following categories: health and well-being (helping children and young people who have a serious illness, disability, life-limiting condition or mental health disorder to access therapy or general medical care), social inclusion (general support for refugees, accommodation, food and care for children, young people and their families and promoting education and equal opportunities) or child protection and emergency aid (prevention or processing of trauma, violence and refugee experiences, protection for affected families and crisis intervention).

The Foundation would like to encourage organisations working in these fields in Germany to apply for funding as soon as possible. All information and downloadable application forms can be found here. Aid projects for the crisis in Ukraine can be submitted under the heading “Project funding for Ukraine emergency aid”. The staff at the Tribute to Bambi office will be happy to answer specific questions by telephone. 

The donation campaign also starts now. Money will be collected to provide rapid financial support to specific emergency aid projects. Numerous celebrities and media outlets are supporting the Tribute to Bambi Foundation by encouraging people to donate.

Donations should be sent to the Tribute to Bambi account with the reference “Ukraine aid”.

The Tribute to Bambi Foundation provides financial and non-material support to aid organisations (and their projects) that provide emergency aid to children and young people in Germany. Reviews and decisions will still be carried out for regular funding applications independent of the special funding and emergency aid offered in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

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