Burda Hackday

From flashes of inspiration to digital prototypes

100 participants, 24 hours, 10 flashes of inspiration that were turned into prototypes, and one theme: health & fitness. At the fifth Burda Hackday, developers, designers and product managers were again able to show what they can come up with in a very short time. While some teams implemented smart ideas to make strength training even more efficient, others puzzled over diagnostic tools designed to support doctors in taking a patient’s history.

Innovation meets lack of sleep

After a long and busy night, ten teams presented their prototypes to the jury members Florian Sauter (founder of E-Gym), Ralf Brüstle (founder of Startup Con), Tamara Wettengl (Pfizer Healthcare Hub Berlin) and Patrick Müller (board member of Hackerstolz e.V.).

While there was a surprising amount of good ideas, the winner chosen by the jury was Food Cloud. Food Cloud records all meals taken, in various convenient data-driven ways: The system is able to record food manually as well as automatically based on a barcode scanner, or, if you have eaten out, based straight on the menu of the restaurant.

These data can then be made available to the family doctor, who can use them to draw conclusions about health developments. The winners were happy to receive tickets to the DLD Berlin, We Are Developers and Startup Con conferences, as well as a complete set of Nokia health devices and some money.

Positioning Burda in the tech community

Natalia Karbasova, head of Burda Bootcamp, is very happy with the result of Burda Hackday. Looking back on the past five events, she says: “We created Burda Hackday to address exciting topics and position Burda in the tech community. We were among the first to start hackathons in Germany four years ago, and by now we see that the format has become established. Almost every weekend a hackathon takes place in and around Munich”. The hackathon was organized in cooperation with E-Gym, Adidas, Nokia, Pfizer, Fit For Fun and Hasso-Plattner-Institut. We are already looking forward to the next Burda Hackday and will again inform you about it here.

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The participants of Burda Hackday formed teams, discussed ideas and implemented them in a very short time

100 participants and one theme: health & fitness

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