Many Burda employees are involved in voluntary or social work, taking on responsibility and helping other people in their spare time. We would like to present this heartfelt commitment here to inspire other employees.
Today BurdaForward and Huff Post announce plans to cease publication of its German edition on March 31st, 2019. The companies launched Huff Post Germany as a commercial licensing agreement in October 2013, with BurdaForward operating the newsroom and monetization in market.
“The German Huff Post showed that you can quickly position a new news offer in the Top 10 and we are very proud of our development in the last five years. We would like to thank the entire team for their dedication and passion.”
Tanja zu Waldeck, Member of the BurdaForward Executive Board and Managing Director of Huff Post Germany
For the 13 employees who will be affected by the closure, individual solutions will be sought to keep them in the BurdaForward company. There are no plans to license Huff Post to any other media company in Germany.