“The real work starts after the election”
“The real work starts after the election”

With the election just around the corner, the newsroom is in high gear. Markus Hurek, Head of Politics at Focus, gives a behind-the-scenes look at how political journalists work – and explains why the days that follow a…

Hubert Burda
85 Years of Hubert Burda – Vision and Change
Hubert Burda
85 Years of Hubert Burda – Vision and Change

On February 9, Hubert Burda turns 85. Together with him, we reflect on his greatest successes and the beginning of a new era.

Hubert Burda Media
So colourful, so Burda: that was our 2024!
Hubert Burda Media
So colourful, so Burda: that was our 2024!

Our highlights show how colourful, creative and multifaceted Burda 2024 was! We take you on a journey through time through all the special moments in 2024.

An espresso and the Badner Lied, please!
An espresso and the Badner Lied, please!

Felix Kalkum is up for a challenge: as the new Managing Director of BurdaSolutions and Group CIO, he is following in the footsteps of Gerhard Thomas. What’s to know about the physician who has been fascinated by program…

BAMBI 2024
“Die Arche” Children's Aid Organisation Honoured with BAMBI Award
BAMBI 2024
“Die Arche” Children's Aid Organisation Honoured with BAMBI Award

“Die Arche” will receive the BAMBI 2024 Award in the category “Silent Heroes”, with the award accepted by its founder and chairman, Bernd Siggelkow.

A bike tour around the world
'The closer you get to the world, the friendlier it becomes'
A bike tour around the world
'The closer you get to the world, the friendlier it becomes'
Hubert Burda Media
Karo Frizen - My best mistake
Hubert Burda Media
Karo Frizen - My best mistake
BurdaMedia Extra
Petra Fonda: "My best mistake"
BurdaMedia Extra
Petra Fonda: "My best mistake"

In this new series, Burda executives talk about the big mistakes they have made in their careers - and what they have learnt from them. Petra Fonda kicks things off with a failed marketing campaign.

The Secret Recipe for Creative Sparks: Tips from a creativity expert
The Secret Recipe for Creative Sparks: Tips from a creativity expert

Stuck in a creative rut? Michael Pfötsch, Creative Principal at C3, spills the ultimate secret to boosting your creativity. Discover how to let ideas flow effortlessly!

The whale in us
The whale in us

Michael Pfötsch is Creative Principal at C3, he is an idea developer, a designer – a creative. But what does it actually mean to be creative? The answer lies in the ocean.

Burda summer party in Munich
The state of emergency behind the fire door
Burda summer party in Munich
The state of emergency behind the fire door

First a Bavarian summit party, then an Italo disco: around 1,300 employees celebrate together at the Munich summer party. Insights from a special night.

getting better
Burda goes farming: A day in the countryside
getting better
Burda goes farming: A day in the countryside

What does regenerative agriculture look like in reality, and is climate-friendly farming just a trend or the future? We visited farmer Julia Vogt-Selmayr to get first-hand answers.

Getting Better
From the Diary of an Unsung Climate Protector
Getting Better
From the Diary of an Unsung Climate Protector

Digging, waiting, munching: Today, we’re sharing the story of an unsung hero. We all know him, but few realize that he’s actually a protector of our climate.

The invisible suffering
The invisible suffering

This text is about Lena. Lena works for Burda and suffers from depression and anxiety. A story about life-changing acceptance and an appeal for more sensitivity.

Freizeit Spass
Competition at the Newsstand - Burda Copies Itself and Lands Magazine Coup
Freizeit Spass
Competition at the Newsstand - Burda Copies Itself and Lands Magazine Coup

How a unique Burda invention revolutionized "Freizeit”(leisure)-activities at the newsstand and why our own-brand generic had to stand up to the brazen copy-paste competition overnight!  

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